Youth disconnection, a term referring to individuals ages 16 to 24 who are neither in school nor at work, is a significant concern in California, across the country, and around the globe. In 2022, close to 525,000 teens and young adults in California were disconnected from education and employment, resulting in a disconnection rate of 11.2%. While this figure represents an improvement from the 12.5% disconnection rate with # observed in 2021, it nonetheless underscores the persistent challenges faced by a substantial portion of California’s youth population. Good news the numbers are trending in the right direction; bad news the trend of recovery is not equal or quick.
This report provides an updated analysis of California’s disconnected youth population using data from the 2022 American Community Survey (ACS). By examining trends, demographic characteristics, and geographic patterns, we aim to inform policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders about the current state of youth disconnection in the state and the urgent need for targeted interventions and policies. The report is structured as follows: the next section presents the findings on disconnection trends and rates, education and employment status, demographic characteristics, and geographical distribution; after the findings, the next section offers policy and operational recommendations to address youth disconnection; and the final section concludes the report, emphasizing California’s commitment to ensuring that all young people have the opportunity to thrive.
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